A lot of people like to complicate making money online. I designed this website to share a few tips on how you can have Adsense make money for you.
First of all, you need to find a niche. The Google Adwords Keyword Tool is perfect for this. Just start brainstorming words and type them into the keyword tool.
I look for 3 important factors in keywords:
1. The amount of times a word is typed in per month. I, personally, won't take on a phrase that is typed in any less than 10,000 times per month.
2. The average cost per click for the keywords you want to target. The higher, the better. You are going to put the same amount of effort into building your site to have Adsense make money for you. You might as well get paid top dollar. Specific brand names of products usually score better in this regard. After a bit of experience building Adsense websites, I set my bottom dollar amount for cost per click at two dollars.
3. The competition level. The less amount of results when you type your keywords into Google, the better. I had one website that had less than 50,000 search results for the targeted keywords. With only two backlinks, it achieved top ten in Google when it first got listed. The higher the competition level, the harder you will have to word to get top 10 rankings. It is possible to get high rankings with any competition level, but it can get frustrating trying to achieve them. It is much easier to achieve one hundred websites that make a dollar per day than one website that makes one hundred dollars per day. The sites that make only a dollar per day also require much less maintainance to maintain the top ten rankings, as nobody else is working towards those rankings.
Now that you have done your brainstorming, check to see if the .com or .net of the exact phrase you found is available. For this domain, I saw that adsensemakemoney.com was not available, so I took adsensemakemoney.net. Other extensions can move up in the rankings as well, but I have had the best results with .com's and .net's. .com's are always the most respected and preferred domains. If the domain for your phrase is taken, brainstorm some more until you find a good domain that is not taken. If I decide to put my thinking cap on, I can usually find one or two good domain names per hour.
The reason you want the exact phrase to be your domain name is because it is usually easier to move up in the search engine rankings when you have the exact phrase as your domain name. I have successfully moved to number one search engine rankings with sites that were not the exact search phrase, and that had the exact search phrase, along with another word or two, but it took much more time.
Remember: If you build just one website per day that makes one dollar per day, in time, just under a year's worth of work will earn you more than one hundred thousand dollars per year. It took me just a couple of hours to find this domain name and build this website. Now, my rankings are high enough that you are reading it. Get started and let Adsense make money for you today!
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